Thursday, December 24, 2009

December reading

I have been reading about
Father Christmas this month

and Angels.

A poem a day keeps my spirits bright.

I have been reading stories written about Jesus.

This little book has inspired me to write the story of my
Little House. It is one of my 2010 projects.

This book has inspired me to write my own cookbook.
I am glutton intolerant and have just begun baking again.

The photography in this book is wonderful.
I am learning!

Another 2010 project.
Maybe even a new blog!

Many stories I read each December.

I like to sit by my fire and have tree time with a story and some music.

I need a few books about flora and fauna each month.

My son gave me this book in 1998 for Christmas.

My daughter had it signed by the author for me.

This is a very special book for me.

I read it every Christmas Eve.

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