I went to the public library to pick up a requested book
and decided to take a stroll in the stacks.
I was looking for books about the American Prairie.
I found books that changed my life.

After reading one paragraph in the introduction, of this eye opening book,
I knew I needed to take notes. I finally understood why I am drawn to the story of Sleeping Beauty. I now want to read the original stories. The Disney version is not the real story!
I have shared my notes with a few friends. They have ordered the book. I too want this one in my library. I always knew about fight and flee, I never knew about freeze.
I freeze. I sleep. I am a dreamer. I understand now why I sleep.
I understand now I need the spiritual growth before I move into the next stage of my life.
I understand why dreaming for me is needed for transformation.
I understand me a wee bit better.
This book almost jumped out of the stacks when I walked by.
The title caught my eye. The cover drew me in. This book touched my heart. For the first time I read about how I perceive the world. I know the world by direct perception. I know plants and birds and insects with my heart first and my mind second. This book took me by the hand and lead me outside to my rosemary and lavender. This book showed me how to get back into my gardening. This book opened the door I had closed when so many of my plants died in 2007.
I spent five hours reclaiming my little herb garden. I smelled green again. I was one with the echinacea, the rosemary and the garden rue. I have ideas on how to bring an elegance to my little herb garden. I am pleased to be with the plants. I understand now how to let the plants heal me.

I am a practical person.
I like lovely jars and scents.

I am learning how to make my own cosmetics.
I am learning how to make my own medicines.
I am learning how to grow for the bees and the butterflies and me.
I am learning and gathering my supplies.
Once again I am enjoying my home spa.
I am giving myself my facials.
I am taking time to refresh each day.

While I was in Grinnel, Iowa, for a Weavers Conference in June
I met a Crow.
I am reading about Crow and Ravin lore.
I am learning. Once again I am allowing Nature to teach me.
I am writing and keeping journals.
I am reading the myths of the Plains.
These stories tell me about the prairie in a different way.
These stories touch my spirit.
I am spinning in the afternoons when it is too hot or too wet to be outside.
I am knitting too.
I knit when we drive to visit the different Prairies on Sunday.
I knit when I visit with family and friends.

While I spin or knit at home I am listening to lectures.
I am learning Classical Mythology, again.

I read in "Spinning Straw into Gold" when the characters in a fairy tale change their clothes transformation is about to happen.
I have been wanting to change the way I dress.
I have not known my new style.
I have a desire to create.
Perhaps nature will show me the way.

I will design my own shoes and dresses.
I shall begin to gather the supplies for winter sewing.
I have an idea.
I shall knit and sew and create wearable art.

The flora and fauna in my backyard
will be my inspiration.

I am awake.
My stroll in the stacks changed my life.
Books are powerful!