This entry reminded me of how the wild birds in the back yard know me. They know when the seed lady "should" be bringing out breakfast. Mocking Bird wants his raisins, if I have failure to bring them out in a timely fashion he will knock on the window!
I often wonder who is in control?
I feel so responsible for the birds that when I was on vacation this past December I hired a young woman to come to my house every day to feed the birds..
With Spring in full swing I now have front yard birds and back yard birds. They need seperate feeding stations and water for drinking and bathing.
The feeders need to be cleaned and refilled; the water kept fresh.
I feel so responsible for the birds that when I was on vacation this past December I hired a young woman to come to my house every day to feed the birds..
With Spring in full swing I now have front yard birds and back yard birds. They need seperate feeding stations and water for drinking and bathing.
The feeders need to be cleaned and refilled; the water kept fresh.
Now the Baltimore Orioles have returned.
I am mesmerized by their bright orange and black feathers.
They have nectar and fresh orange slices and grape jelly.
They have nectar and fresh orange slices and grape jelly.
I saw a Hummingbird this morning!
Those feeders need fresh nectar every other day.
So far no bird has told me by their peeps if it will rain soon.
They do let me know if they want more seed or peanuts or grape jelly.
Do you feed the birds?