Monday, August 2, 2010

August Books

I encourage every one to plant native plants.
It is good for the soil and the bugs and the people.

I am
learning to live a joy filled sustainable life.

I am seeing the patterns in nature

and enjoying the Nature
in my backyard.

During the heat of the day I am inside.

I am organizing

and making things for my home

with items already here.

Finding ways to re-cycle

and up-cycle!

I am looking ahead too.

Autumn will come before too long.

I want to make a few bird masks for Halloween.

I am decorating.

In August I use lots of yellow.

As I sort the old fabric I am thinking

of projects I can do.

I am thinking about new skills I can learn.

I love reading natural history books.

I want to learn how to bake gluten free.

I have ideas for Halloween treats!

I may not have a cookie swap

but I so enjoyed reading this book.

Using a mirror for a tray is a great idea.

I will be saving my good glass jars for treats.

I am enjoying being home.
Happy August reading.

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